This “gateway” green juice recipe is perfect for those of you looking for an easy break into drinking green juice (and enjoying it). We like to use this recipe when we give demonstrations on our juice presses. It uses a nice range of fruit and vegetables, showing the capabilities of the machines, plus it tastes great. Some even think it tastes like a healthy version of Mountain Dew soda!

Preparing Produce for Juice
A lot of people automatically think they need to remove the skin from pineapple. When you juice on our presses, you don’t have to! And that’s a good thing, because pineapple skin actually contains a high concentration of valuable nutrients that have great health benefits. Pineapple contains a powerful enzyme called bromelain, and there is a higher concentration of it in the skin than in the actual flesh.

The lemon in this recipe can be used with or without the peel, it’s more of a preference thing. If you’re going for a stronger full-flavor experience, leave it on.
For more on how to prepare produce for juice, read our article here.

How to Pick a Ripe Pineapple
How do you find a perfectly ripe pineapple? It’s actually pretty simple. Use these 5 tips to pick a ripe pineapple next time you go to the market: How to Pick a Ripe Pineapple
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