juice pulp vegan dog treats on a marble countertop
Chef Ari Sexner
Recipe by Chef Ari Sexner

How to Make Vegan Dog Treats Using Leftover Juice Pulp

National Love Your Pet Day is coming up, which makes now the perfect time to share our amazing recipe for vegan dog treats!

Here’s the cool part: This human-grade recipe makes use of that leftover juice pulp from your juicer. Instead of tossing all that pulp in the garbage, use it to make a healthy treat your dog will love.


Why We Love These Juice Pulp Vegan Dog Treats

Our dogs absolutely scarf these treats down, but bringing a wag to their tail isn’t the only reason we love this recipe. It’s also incredibly healthy for our furry friends!


Flax seed is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are known to help dogs in a number of ways, including:

  1. Conditioning their skin
  2. Less shedding and dandruff
  3. A shinier coat
  4. Fewer ear infections
  5. Reduced symptoms caused by chronic inflammation

Coconut oil can improve nutrient absorption, help counteract digestive disorders, boost energy and reduce overall inflammation in the body, according to some studies.

In moderation, peanut butter can be a great source of protein and healthy fats for your dog. Plus, it contains vitamins B and E, as well as niacin. Note that the healthiest option is unsalted peanut butter or homemade peanut butter (high sodium levels can be problematic for dogs).

Finally, fruit and vegetable pulp contains some vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Just be sure to only use pulp from produce that dogs can safely eat (click here for a helpful list).

Now, let’s get into the recipe, which was inspired by a recipe from our friends at Greenhouse Juice.


Looking for More Juice Pulp Recipes?

Check out our 11 Creative Ways to Use Leftover Juice Pulp

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Beach Grammie

My dog and grand dogs love this recipe. We usually have a lot of pulp so we double the batch and freeze some. I saw the post asking if people could eat this. My granddaughter who is seven loves to lick the beaters. Thanks for sharing.

Dec 20, 2023
Robin Frey
Goodnature logo badge

Awe! Thanks for sharing 😄

Dec 20, 2023

Both of my fur babies really really like these treats!! And I get to use up some of the pulp I was throwing out! My question is: has anyone ever dehydrated carrot pulp and then used it in the recipe from the dried state?? What, if any liquid would I add? Any insight on this would be greatly appreciated!

Mar 1, 2022
Robin Frey
Goodnature logo badge

Hi Laura,

Glad to hear it 😄 We have not tried using dehydrated pulp, but that sounds like a great idea to make the pulp last longer! It will probably take some experimenting, but if I were to try this, I would add 1/4c to 1/2c water when blending the ingredients. Just enough water to be able to roll out the dough...let us know how you make out!

Mar 1, 2022

Great idea with the dog treats so now my Chow can enjoy some healthy treats

Thank you


Sep 24, 2021
Robin Frey
Goodnature logo badge

Thanks Maureen, let us know how he likes them 😄

Sep 24, 2021

Can human eat this too?

Jul 12, 2021
Robin Frey
Goodnature logo badge

Hi Jacky, These are safe for humans to eat, they are just a little bland 😄

Jul 13, 2021
Sonya Ransom-Porter

Should these be hard & crunchy or soft & moist . I bake them but cover them overnight to cool & they came out moist . When I took them out just the bottom was hard .

Jul 2, 2021
Robin Frey
Goodnature logo badge

Hi Sonya,

When I make them they are hard enough not to fall apart, but not super crunchy if that makes sense. I would say make them to fit your dog. Mine is elderly so I like treats that are not too hard. If you want to make them harder than they are coming out for you, you can adjust the thickness (make them thinner) of your rolled out mixture or bake a little longer.

Jul 2, 2021
Fallon Altman

Would it be possible to dehydrate these treats, rather than baking then? If not, I’d love a recipe for pulp based treats that are dehydrated!

Apr 8, 2021
Robin Frey
Goodnature logo badge

yes, absolutely you can dehydrate instead of baking!

Apr 8, 2021
Jane Stevenson

The perfect blend of ingredients. Our three dogs all go bnanas for these dog cookies! I roll the dough out on a silpat mat, gently cut into little cubes with a pizza cutter and bake. They are SO good, I can eat them too if I get peckish out on a walk, LOL!

Mar 28, 2021
Robin Frey
Goodnature logo badge

Awesome Jane!!! Glad you and your fur babies like them

Mar 28, 2021
Amanda Page Stephens

I used my blender and there wasn’t enough liquid to get it moving. I ended up adding at least a third of a cup of the juice that the pulp came from. Tested it out on three different dogs. They all liked it but one went bonkers for them.

Mar 15, 2021
Robin Frey
Goodnature logo badge

Oh good, I'm glad that worked! Thank you for sharing!

Mar 15, 2021

You listed Flax Seeds twice on your ingredient list, did I miss something? I’ll grind them for recipe but what about the whole?

Mar 10, 2021
Robin Frey
Goodnature logo badge

Hi Mary,

We ground half of the flax seeds and left the other half whole but you can grind the full 4 tablespoons if you prefer! 😄

Mar 10, 2021

What kinds of foods can dogs not have? Anyone know what the best pulp makes the best dog treats?

Mar 1, 2021
Robin Frey
Goodnature logo badge

Hi Sandy,

There are many lists online, here is one: https://www.purina.co.uk/dogs/health-and-nutrition/what-not-to-feed/harmful-substances-and-foods Keep in mind that while some seeds (like apple seeds) contain arsenic, just like in humans, it would take a lot of them to make a dog sick. Definitely speak with your vet if you have any questions on whether or not something will harm your fur baby! From personal experience, my mini dachshund loves any pulp with carrot and apple. But of course, she loves baby carrots as treats!

Mar 1, 2021
Lucille M Barone

Robin made these cookies for my dog, Millie and she absolutely loves them!!! I love them because they are a healthy treat!!
thank you!!!

Feb 18, 2021
Robin Frey
Goodnature logo badge

You're welcome Mom 😄

Feb 19, 2021