best juice recipes for weight loss

7 Easy Juice Recipes for Weight Loss

Juicing gives us the opportunity to increase our daily fruit and vegetable intake, boost our vitamin levels, support our immune system, and help us with weight loss.

Yeah, you read that right!

Not only does juicing gives us all the amazing benefits of eating a whole plate of fruits and veggies, but it can help you jump start weight loss.

If you want to learn about the weight loss-related benefits of juicing, or if you’re just looking for weight loss-friendly juicing recipes, you’re in the right place.  


Juicing Recipes for Weight Loss

Click any of these healthy recipe titles to jump to the recipe itself:

  1. Morning Kickstart Juice
  2. The Best Healthy Green Juice
  3. Very Veggie Green Juice
  4. Powerhouse Cabbage Green Juice
  5. Homemade V8 Juice
  6. Refreshing Watermelon Juice
  7. Spinach-Apple Green Juice

You’ll notice that a majority of these recipes are vegetable-based. Since vegetables are low-calorie and have minimal amounts of sugar, they’re the perfect ingredient for any healthy juice recipe. When talking about recipes for weight loss, we tend to stray away from those that are heavily fruit-based. Fruit has a natural form of sugar, which has the potential to slow down weight loss if consumed regularly. This doesn’t mean that you can’t eat fruit ever again. On the contrary, fruit is often included in a healthy diet. It’s just important to stay mindful of the amount of sugar that you’re consuming on a daily basis.

Now, let’s get into the recipes for weight loss!

Note: If you're interested in trying a juice cleanse for weight loss, get the free How to do a Juice Cleanse ebook right here!


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Jan 5, 2024

Hi, I am just starting with juicing. I have been making this one only green juice. The recipe makes about 40oz of juice. I drink two glasses a day, 6 total. My question is, how long can I make juice in advance and still get all the nutrients when kept in the frig.?

Nov 4, 2023
Charles Wettlaufer

That’s a great question - and it depends on some factors. I recommend checking out our article about shelf life:

Nov 4, 2023

How do you get enough protein in this way of eating?

Jul 6, 2023
Robin Frey
Goodnature logo badge

Hi Dawna, plants are excellent sources of protein, often with fewer calories and fewer potentially harmful effects than animal products. I've been on a plant based diet for over three years now and get more than my allotment of protein. I would recommend researching how much protein you really need and go from there. There are a lot of great books on the subject!

Jul 6, 2023
Jun 6, 2023

Very good tips on promoting juice recipes. I love it.

Mar 30, 2023

Looking for healthy alternatives

Mar 19, 2023
Charles Wettlaufer

So many great choices here! I've made them all...

Feb 13, 2023
Trish Hartwick

Interested in working on a coop type business

Jan 25, 2023
Robin Frey
Goodnature logo badge

Hi Trish, one of our team members will email you soon to start the discussion!

Jan 25, 2023
Nancy Graham

Hi. I'd like to make this a 32oz drink. Can you tell or show me how to calculate that to get it to 32oz please? Thanks

Dec 7, 2022
Robin Frey
Goodnature logo badge

Hi Nancy,

Divide the required yield (in this case 32 oz) by the old yield (in this case 12 oz) to get your conversion factor (in this case 2.67).

Then multiply the weight of each ingredient by 2.67, this will be your new ingredient amount.

Dec 12, 2022
Roy Boring

Wow! There’s a lot of great information in this post.

Jun 22, 2022

Love your recipes

Jun 1, 2022

Good recipes.

Apr 20, 2022

Wow, thanks for this article. Thanks for the info and the creativity. useful weight loss recipes.

Apr 20, 2022
sandra Ganuwa
Jun 14, 2021