Enduring a long quest to find the sweetest, ripe, and overall perfect fruits can be a challenge. Watermelon is the perfect year-round sweet and juicy treat, but how do you pick the best one?
To help you avoid awkwardly long pauses in the produce section, today we’re sharing a few tips for selecting the perfectly ripe watermelon.
This beautiful fruit is around 92% water, low-calorie, and packed with vitamins including Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Potassium, Magnesium, and more! Not only are you staying hydrated, but you’re showering your body with valuable antioxidants through an increase in lycopene.
How do you choose the best watermelon at the grocery store or farmer’s market? Follow these tips to become a watermelon aficionado:

Check the Watermelon’s Weight
When looking for a perfectly ripe melon, search for the biggest one available. Similar to ripe pineapples, the heavier it is, the juicier it will be. Once you’ve found a great option, hold it both of your hands and feel the weight.
Ripe watermelons actually contain more water, which is why they’ll feel a bit heavier than their unripe counterparts.
Search for Yellow Spots (Which Are Good!)
Next, inspect the surface of the watermelon for a field spot. This spot is usually yellow or dark yellow and it indicates what side the watermelon laid on in the field. These spots tend to scare people because they aren’t aesthetically pleasing, but that is not the case – when watermelons have dark yellow spots, this means the melon is sweet. Sometimes there are watermelons that have dark brown or even black spots with small dots, these are pollination points resulting in a sweeter fruit.

Give the Watermelon a Smell Test
Pick up your watermelon and smell the outside rind. It should smell slightly sweet, similar to when you smell a pineapple, cantaloupe, honeydew, or any other melon.
Gently Tap the Outside of the Watermelon
Feel around the outside of your watermelon to search for any mushy or soft spots. Next, try tapping or knocking the middle of the watermelon. You’re listening for a “thud” noise – this means that the melon is overripe!
If you hear a high-pitched sound, this means your watermelon is unripe. If you hear a “plunk” hollow sound, this means you have a perfectly good watermelon on your hands.
Look for the Tail
Sometimes watermelons will still have their “tail” attached – if so, take a peek to determine its ripeness. If the tail is dried out, this indicates the watermelon is ripe and ready for consumption. If the tail is still green, this means it’s unripe and not quite at its peak.

Final Thoughts
We hope these tips have helped you find the perfect melon! As always, knowing what to look for when it comes to fresh fruit will come with time and practice.
Once you’ve found the perfect watermelon, try making our refreshing Watermelon Juice recipe!
Want to browse loads of chef-made juicing recipes? Check out our juicing recipes here!
