woman paying for juice at a juice bar

Charlie Wettlaufer

How To Earn More Profit in Your Juice Business

You did it! You started your own juicing business and have been able to survive most of the challenges of opening a business. You created recipes, navigated the health department, and got enough money together to make your dream a reality. But now there’s a new challenge – how do you actually make your business profitable?

Here are what I consider the four easiest ways to increase your bottom line:

  1. Add the add-ons

If someone comes in for a juice or smoothie, are you also offering them add-ons like wellness shots, raw snacks, specialty food items, and other products? Offering add-ons can be an easy way to increase the average ticket of a customer, and also increase profitability.


One company that does an amazing job of expanding beyond juice is Moon Juice. Their line of specialty food products, which they call their “Pantry" line, includes plant based powders like cacao, bee pollen, and more. You can also check out their line of “Dusts” including their famous Beauty Dust. I don’t know their numbers, but I would be willing to bet that introducing their specialty food items has increased their overall profitability by at least 10% – 20% compared to just selling juice.

Note: Our Juicing Level Up program comes with weekly mentorship calls with industry experts, exclusive educational content, juice bar business tools, and more! Sign up today.

2.  Watch your margins

You have many products on your menu, but do you know which ones are the most profitable? If the answer is no, then you need to spend some time and sit down with a spreadsheet and figure it out. Figure out which of your juices and other products are highly profitable, and which ones are not. If you have some recipes that aren’t making money, try raising the price. Either people will continue to buy it and you will now be profitable, or they will stop buying it and you can drop it from your menu.


3. Offer product bundles

Product bundling is great marketing strategy that increases your top line revenue as well as your bottom line profitability. The idea here is that you bundle products together into a package which delivers value to the customer, and makes it easy for them to purchase more products. Some examples of product bundles you can offer:

  • Juice cleanse – Offer 6 juices per day as a cleanse package in an easy to purchase package. This one is a no-brainer! If this isn’t on your menu yet it should be.
  • A smoothie and a salad – a healthy value meal.
  • A juice, a wellness shot, and a snack – customer will be more likely to buy all 3 if you offer them as a bundle.


4.  Look for labor inefficiencies

You may just accept the fact that each product takes X amount of labor to make it. But does it? Can you find a more efficient way to make a product? An example of this: A client I was working with only offered made-to-order juice using a centrifugal juicer. When she got a cold-press and started offering bottled juice, many clients would choose the grab-and-go juice instead of the made-to-order juice. The labor cost on a bottle of juice when making them 20 at a time in a commercial cold press is FAR lower than making one glass at a time on a centrifugal juicer, increasing profitability. In addition to customers choosing the higher margin product, they were also buying extra bottles to take home with them. So simply upgrading to cold-pressed juice from centrifugal not only increased quality of the juice, but also greatly increased profitability.

Note: Not sure where to start? Join Juicing Level Up with other juice bar owners. Ask questions, get advice, learn best practices on our weekly mentorship calls. Sign up today!



Tish Brown

Thanks for this article! It looks like I'm on the right path in my cold
Pressed juice business. I have some bundles which people usually pick. My confidence is boosted today! I will read your other articles

May 20, 2023
Reese Evans

Thanks, Charlie for sharing your ideas and views. This is really great your experience would be helpful to the other people. I enjoy reading it and learn many things from here. Great.

Oct 13, 2021
Melissa Spencer

I love your product. This was a good read. I have a food truck in a small town of NC and I want to expand and open up a new one and it would be a juicing truck. Thank you for the article and any information you have

Mar 18, 2021
Robin Frey
Goodnature logo badge

Awesome news Melissa! Definitely check out the articles listed in this post! https://www.goodnature.com/blog/20-must-read-articles-if-youre-starting-a-juice-business/

Mar 19, 2021

Hi, i'm a nigerian and i just started my juice business. I would like to be mentored. I would also appreciate support/ where necessary

Sep 14, 2020
Charles Wettlaufer

Hi we recommend checking out the items in our "resources" menu - tons of good stuff there!

Sep 14, 2020
Salma hamza

Thanks alot for the ideas

Sep 6, 2020

I will need a juice mentor to help me in my juice making business

Jun 26, 2020
Robin Frey
Goodnature logo badge

Hi Nazifa,

Our chef and juice business consultant, Ari, is a great resource for juice making guidance. I will introduce you through email.
Happy Juicing!

Jun 29, 2020
Twongirwe viola

Am viola ,a Ugandan. Am so much interested in making juice as a business

Mar 11, 2020
Robin Frey
Goodnature logo badge

Hello Viola,

That's great! We are here to help you along your juice journey and will get in touch by email. Have a wonderful day!

Mar 11, 2020
dora Njau

please i am a Tanzanian woman very much interested in juicing and your documentary. i want to start my business. I request for your support.

Mar 28, 2019

Great Stuff! Thanks for the information

Dec 3, 2017
Amber Thielen

Great article and valuable information I can implement in my start up. Thank you for all of your helpful blog posts I love reading them!

Sep 20, 2017
jurella cosilla

I am finding that labor is a lot higher than expected what if the percentage I should be running.

Sep 14, 2017
Charlie Wettlaufer
Goodnature logo badge

How much is your labor running you? Do you have it calculated? Typically food service looks for 20% of sales revenue (obviously the less the better)

Sep 17, 2017

I need a business mentor in juice making.

Sep 13, 2017

me too, we should start a support group

Sep 14, 2017